What a Night a Double Fight Night
Now you can buy both fights on Gumroad. Remember if you sponsor this fight, you’ll get a discount code in the following days to thank your support. Valentina vs Liza OR Alix vs Chamel
Well you’ve already seen the previews… I hope. We really wanted to give our next video a twist and solve some problems we had with last fight. Last time Santana and Samantha fought that hard and move so much around the mat that we had to stop the fight many times cause they kept going out from the safe space. So we started looking for a gym with a ring so we can get a proper place to have a fight.
We couldn’t get any gym, people don’t trust in strangers that wanna have “privacy” in their venue. But Valentina had a friend with a big place so she asked him to rent a part of it, he said yes, but the other part was getting a ring in there, so after some research we found a guy who build custom ring and yes we bought that ring, a small one so we could use in different spaces and that we consider a ring not for boxing, not for wrestling but for catfights.

We assembled the ring a couple of days before the fights, so we were sure of being able of doing that ourselves, it wasn’t a problem. But what we didn’t think of, was that our truck was going to get broken 1 day before of the fight: “how the hell are gonna move that fucking ring!!”, I thought. we had a couple of options and the most suitable was renting a truck, and yeeii we got a big one.
The day of the fight we got to the venue like 4 pm the girls had their call at 8, so we had (specially me, ’cause Valentina was going to fight) 4 hours to set everything up, that was a challenge. The girls get there on time but we weren’t ready yet, we really had to rush things up at the end we were behind schedule by 1 hour.
Anyway one the girls were changed and briefed starting shooting immediately, the plan was to start we the newies fight, so Alix and Chamel entered the ring, they were really nervous, giggling and doubting. We did the face off, but when we did the one on one girls couldn’t do it properly, they felt too much respect for each other even when they hadn’t met. Alix had a great idea, to go the big girls go first.

Valentina and Liza had kind of a beef when they texted by whatsapp, as Valentina always does to set every detail up (rules, attires, etc). Not sure exactly what happened but immediately after they got in touch Liza texted me, telling me that Valentina was rude to her, and that she didn’t like her a bit, Valentina told me the same about Liza a couple of days after, I thought “mmmm, interesting”. So in that context I had big expectations of this fight.
From the interviews and the face off I new this was gonna be a war, and I wasn’t mistaken. The first round started and believe me 4 minutes felt like am entire 4 rounds fight, a feast of punches, kicks and hair pulling, Alix and Chamel were like “What????”, really shocked. They started walking around the ring for like 5 seconds, that was the last time we had some peace between them, you could hear gasps and moans of pain, a true, authentic street catfight, wow it might be my favorite from now on.

After the round ended without any of the girls submitting both agreed giving Alix and Chamel a chance to fight a round while they were recovering. Both were hurt but wanted to keep fighting, so I give them that chance.

Alix and Chamel already saw how it’s done, and feel a bit more confortable, so the entered the ring determined. They started a bit soft but the fight kept going better and better. Lots of punches but what I loved was Valentina telling Alix what to do “Pull her hair!!, slap her!”, at the end we had a clear winner due one of them abandoned the ring in tears.

Meanwhile Valentina and Liza kept recovering, but one of them felt dizzy even after an hour and we decided not to continue for the sake of her, so sad, but anyway a rematch is possible if you dear audience feel like you want more of this.

Sponsorships are closed now, but you will be able of getting this clips separately in $35 and $20 bucks respectively, I know I know, sponsor paid more than that, and I really appreciate your support ’cause without you none of this would’ve been posible, that’s way I’m gonna give a discount code to sponsors of 30% to buy any of our existent fights or the ones to come to compensate that, hope you guys keep supporting Valentina and I.